Saturday, September 20, 2008

the first fruit...

its has been along time since i write anything... just updating those who r not updated, hahaha... im currently working at KLCC for goverment, yup not petronas. im in the ECERDC, 'East Coast Economic Region Development Council'. not a technical field, not even close to mechanical n the best part is, i dont have any idea what is it AT ALL !!!... it has been a month now since i join the workforce, adala sket2 clue keje ape yg aku wat ni. rupa2nye aku ni jadi mcm economist, town planner, farmers, nelayan, penternak dan mcm2 lagila... bayangkan the first meeting i join was about 'GOAT'... just imagine how my face will be like, dahla tak pernah2 tau pasal kambing. menganga jela dlm meeting. tapi status kena jaga. org ckp kita angguk je (buat2 cam paham) hahahha... dugaan pertama dalam bekerja yg ku terima ialah berpuasa, alhamdulillah ku lalui dgn sempurna walaupun ada gakla sket2 dugaan dari rakan2, hahahaha... ermmmm, lama seyhhh tak menulis takde ideala pulak... okla we'll meet again later... daa~~~

1 comment:

Sakilah said...

the first fruit? looking ur 1st fruit in ur x jumpe..adekah GOAT itu?
ha3..btw, gud luck with ur new job!!